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30 11 im noticia sistemasdinamicos1Título: On the gluing orbit property topological features and its relation with partial Hyperbolicity

Palestrante: Maria Joana Torres (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Data: 02/12/2020
Horário: 13:00
Local: Plataforma Zoom

Resumo: In this talk topological and ergodic features of continuous flows with the gluing orbit property will be presented. These flows satisfy a weak mixing condition with respect to balls. Moreover, periodic measures are dense in the set of all invariant probability measures and ergotic measures are genere. Futhermore, irrational rotations and some minimal flows on tori and circle extensions over expanding maps satisfy gluing orbit propertis, which emphasizies the difference of this property with respect the notion specification.

It will also be discussed the relation between the gluing orbit property and partial hyperbolicity. A partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism with two saddles with different index, and such that the stable manifold of one of these saddles coincides with the strongly stable leaf does not satisfy the gluing orbit property. In particular, the examples C1-robustly transitive diffeomorphism introduce by Mañé do not satisfy the gluing orbit property. We also construct some families of partially hyperbolic skew-products satisfying the gluing orbit property.

Informações da sala virtual na plataforma Zoom:
ID da reunião - 843 901 738
Senha de acesso - 849232
