The use of genomic and gene expression large-scale data for the analyses of sexual evolution
Maria D. Vibranovski (USP)
Although more than a decade has passed since the first eukaryotic genome was sequenced,
the molecular basis of genome organization and complexity remains a largely unresolved
problem. The relationship of genotype to phenotype has proven particularly challenging. I
use gametogenesis in Drosophila as a model system to study the evolution and phenotypic
expression of genomic features. Gametogenesis is a fascinating biological process; it varies
temporally throughout development, and has profound evolutionary impact in that it provides
the raw material for the next generation - the gamete. To date, gametogenesis research has
primarily focused on single gene studies of fertility. In contrast, I apply a genomic perspective
to the overall process of gametogenesis to understand the role sexual selection plays in
genome evolution. In my research on genome evolution in Drosophila melanogaster, I have
combined bioinformatics and statistics with experimental genomic and molecular genetic
methods to obtain large-scale gene expression data on gametogenesis, or spermatogenic-
stage-specific transcriptome (SpermPress). The results help to solve two classical problems
that have puzzled biologists for decades: evidence for Meiotic Sex Chromosome inactivation
and for Post-meiotic transcription. In this talk, I present the results obtained through the
application of advanced Bayesian statistics to Gene Chip microarray data. I also introduce
another puzzle yet to be solved in the evolutionary biology field related to the role of sperm
haploid selection in the evolution of new genes.% The discussion of alternative analyses and
models on spermatogenic transcriptome and gene age is pressing and represents part of my
current research agenda.