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IM Palestra Seminário NOTICIA

Whispering-gallery type eigenfunctions of the Laplacian

January 05, at 03:15 p.m. (Rio de Janeiro local time)

Local: Room C116 - Bloco C - CT – Instituto de Matemática – UFRJ.

Online Transmission: https://youtube.com/live/ed74-MknUog

Speaker: Sergey Sergeev (PUC-RJ)

Abstract: Maybe, someone encountered the situation when one person stands near the wall of the building and whispers something. And another person can hear him only if he stands also near the wall, but not in the center. This is called a Whispering Gallery and the sound waves propagate along the wall. The most famous example of the Whispering Gallery is the St. Paul Cathedral in London, but such an effect appears in different situations when we discuss the wave propagation. From the mathematical point of view the description of this effect is reduced to the studying of the special part of the spectrum of the Laplacian in some bounded area, which corresponds to the high-frequency waves. The eigenfunctions will be localized near the boundary and will represent the Whispering-Gallery type waves. In the present talk we will discuss the asymptotic (for the high frequencies) approach for the construction of such eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Laplacian. We will give a description of localized eigenfunctions for any 2D area which is bounded by smooth and convex boundary. 

miniatura colóquio

Título: NP-completude e condicionamento

Palestrante: Gregorio Malajovich - UFRJ

Data: 22/03/2024 de 10:00h às 12:00h

Horário: 15:10 h

Participação Híbrida

Local: Participação Presencial - Sala C - 118

Link da videochamada: https://youtube.com/live/zymw4NaVY3Y

Link do Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbaN7t2ikSom6cucQr5of8A


Conferência em português com slides em inglês.
Professor Geovani Grapiglia
Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve)
Title: Recent Advances on Derivative-Free Optimization
Abstract: Optimization problems are ubiquitous in Applied Mathematics. They appear in decision making problems, in the design of efficient devices and also in the calibration of mathematical models. Iterative methods for nonlinear optimization generate sequences of approximations obtained by the minimization of simpler local models. In standard optimization methods, local models are built using derivatives of the functions that define the problem. However, in many practical situations these derivatives are not readily available. This happens, for example, when the function values are obtained as the result of some blackbox computer simulation. These problems can be addressed using Derivative-Free Optimization methods, which are methods that rely only on function evaluations. In this talk I will present some recent results about the worst-case complexity of derivative-free methods.
Data: 07 de março de 2024 (quinta-feira).
Horário: 10h00 horas.
Sala: H-324B, terceiro andar, Bloco H, Centro de Tecnologia, UFRJ, Fundão.
Responsável: Nelson Maculan, Professor Emérito da UFRJ.
É com prazer que anuncio a programação do VI CRANED (Colóquio Rio de Janeiro de Análise e Equações Diferenciais), a realizar-se no dia 05 de Abril de 2024, sexta-feira, de 13h-16h na EMAp-FGV:
13h00 - 13h40: Débora Medeiros (FGV)
"Lagrangian-finite difference schemes for the upper-convected time derivative"
13h40 - 14h20: Sergey Tikhomirov (PUC-RIO)
"Free boundary and rattling in systems with hysteresis"
14h20 - 14h40: Coffee break
14h40 - 15h20: Carlos Guzmán Jimenez (UFF)
"Well-posedness and scattering for the generalized Hartree equation in 3D"
15h20 - 16h00: Erwin Topp (UFRJ)
"Nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi equations on junctions and networks"
O colóquio terá lugar na EMAp-FGV, Praia de Botafogo, 190, Sala 537.
Por questões de logística e acesso ao prédio, pedimos que façam sua inscrição para o evento neste link.
Relembro que, devido às regras internas da sede da FGV, não é possível ingressar no edifício de bermudas ou chinelos. Peço desculpa pelo incômodo.
Espero ver vocês lá, e por favor não hesitem em partilhar o anúncio com seus contatos  e alunos!



Entre os dias 26 de fevereiro e 11 de março de 2024, estará aberto o período destinado à inscrição em disciplinas na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Solicita-se a atenção dos interessados para que não posterguem este compromisso até o momento derradeiro.




Para mais infomações, clique aqui.





