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26 10 im noticia SeminariosZAGTítulo: Projective flatness over klt spaces and uniformisation of varieties with nef anti-canonical divisor.

Palestrante:  Daniel Greb (University of Duisburg-Essen).
Data: 27/10/2020.
Horário: 16:00 .
Local: Transmissão online.

Confira AQUI o link para a transmissão.

Resumo: I will discuss a criterion for the projectivisation of a reflexive sheaf on a klt space to be induced by a projective representation of the fundamental group of the smooth locus. This criterion is then applied to give a characterisation of finite quotients of projective spaces and Abelian varieties by Q-Chern class (in)equalities and a suitable stability condition. This stability condition is formulated in terms of a naturally defined extension of the tangent sheaf by the structure sheaf. I will further examine cases in which this stability condition is satisfied, comparing it to K-semistability and related notions. This is joint work with Stefan Kebekus and Thomas Peternell.

Host: Ivan Cheltsov
Zoom ID: 991 849 3831
Password: October
